Directions to the Campus Center Hotel
Click here for directions to the Campus Center Hotel.
If you are using your car’s GPS, program it for this address to get to the Campus Center Hotel:
Commonwealth Avenue & Campus Center Way
Amherst, MA
When you get to this location, you will see a sign directing you to the Campus Center garage.
You will be charged ABOUT $5 per day -- get a special discount parking pass from the front desk of the hotel when you check in.
If you have a bicycle roof rack (or you are driving a van or truck), trying to enter this low-ceilinged garage will rip the roof off your vehicle, destroy your bicycle, crumble the garage, or all three! DON’T TRY IT! (But if you insist on pressing on, please email us any cool bike/car/garage destruction photos and we’ll post them right here for the enjoyment of your fellow riders and your insurance company.)
Instead, right before you enter the garage turn left and park in lot #65. (This is also the location of free parking if you prefer not to pay to park). Walk from there to the Campus Center, where the hotel is located.